Me where I love to Be - in Nature, writing and thinking, always with green tea and water | Photo © Rüdiger Schrader

What is Un-Rush?

Un-Rush is a place for curious thinkers who question whether our addiction to speed and busyness actually yields happiness and progress, or if it leads to destruction and dissatisfaction instead.

The Newsletter publication Un-Rush is about how the power of slow is helping you grow in a rushing world crushing your life.

Why subscribe to Un-Rush?

The problem with our society is that we accept a loud, hustle-driven, and overwhelming world. Slowing down, thoughtfulness, and awareness are misunderstood and underrated.

We’ve been sold this broken idea that only an everything-now culture and a keep-running-and-don’t-think attitude will bring us progress and fortune.

If you believe that we need a mindset shift in our culture of busyness to bring quality, depth, human connection, reflection, and awareness back into our lives - I am here to give you tons of encouragement and reasons why you should have the guts to stand up against a rushed world.

As a free or paid subscriber, you will find fresh stimuli and ideas that help you to see the nonsense of a world on steroids and the benefits of slowing down.

With a free subscription, you will receive regular newsletters with stories and insights.

If you become a paying member, you get a lot more:

  • Members’ only articles as well as regular free articles

  • Book reviews and recommendations

  • The possibility to post comments and join my Substack community

  • Invites to exclusive in-person events (think Retreat in Italy on How and Why to Slow Down)

  • Access to all archived posts

  • The good feeling of knowing that you are making longer, deeper, and more thorough research and writing possible

Remember that a good life is often about memorable experiences on the way, rather than rushing your way through life.

Sign up now so you don’t miss a beat on how to slow down while moving forward in life.

Who writes Un-Rush?

Hey, I’m Claudia, welcome to the place that wants to challenge and encourage you to question a hurried world that doesn’t stop rushing you.

I’m a series of opposites. I've always been the quiet type but with adventurous ideas in my head. I think in pictures but express myself in words. I notice details but explain the bigger picture. I look at life with an “as-well-as” attitude, rather than “either-or”.

Here is what I love to do: think, write, and research. Create events and initiate projects. All of this with a focus on the question, “Can we slow down and resist a hurried world while still moving forward?”

I worked a busy life for years in advertising agencies in Germany and loved the vibe, the energy, the creativity, the liveliness, and the constantly changing projects. But then I got to the point where I got frustrated with the non-stop rushing through projects and not having been given the time and mental space to get deeper into the assignments.

While living and working in busy, overcrowded Tokyo and daily squeezing through the crowds, tall German’s head up in the clouds, I felt energized and stimulated but had to ground myself regularly (sucker for traditional Japanese wisdom).

My new mantra became: Go with the flow and slow down to the speed of life.

While living in San Francisco (rather hiking the great outdoors than writing in Silicon Valley the next tech button disconnecting you from your life) I started writing and publishing to raise awareness about the things that should be important to you in your life.  

Now I write about why transforming your hurry to slow makes you grow while I’m sitting amid an enticing wonderland of jagged mountain scenery, lush alpine meadows, and charming villages - the Italian Alps. The mountains, cows, and the good InterPersonal and InterNet connections help to un-rush, offering time and space to create results that will help YOU and that last for a long time.


Intuition / Honesty / Optimism / Sushi / Kindness / Friendships / Books / Stillness / Living your lifestyle


Whiners and moaners / Lying on the beach / Pessimists / Tiramisu / Air conditioners


With the laptop on the terrace / On work breaks with a road bike through vineyards with husband / Evening Aperitivo with friends / Hiking the mountains / On trains between Germany and Italy


Morning meditation / Green tea before breakfast / Daily nature walks / Hubby hugs

Subscribe to Un-Rush - The Power of Slow

The Online Publication Un-Rush is about how the power of slow is helping you grow in a rushing world crushing your life


Rebel against a rushed world | Writing about the power of slow helping you grow | European, Japanophile, Cyclist, Thinker, Outdoor lover